Our Partners


The Environmental and Related Technologies Hub (EaRTH)

Participating Network;

Centennial College

University of Toronto Scarborough (UTSC)

Bricktown Development Co-Op 

& Phased Groups of Agricultural Co-Operatives

...EaRTH has created a network of internationally renowned academic institutions, leading innovative businesses, community and government partners that create synergies to disrupt and strengthen the entire agriculture and food value chain, from environmental technologies, through growing and processing automation, to food distribution. 

EaRTH Goals;

  • to support increased dialogue and understanding on concerns related to environment, climate change and achieving low carbon emission targets
  • support clean technology innovation across Canada
  • initiate and support activities that accelerate industrial research, development, technology demonstration, validation and commercialization of clean technologies

EaRTH Network is supporting the development of the Discovery House that will develop unprecedented Industry leading automation in vertical horticultural, aquaculture and agricultural product processing that will achieve energy efficiency, cost effectiveness, environmental responsibility and production levels previously unattainable.

EaRTH Network's 

Discovery House Prototype 

Phase One; in progress

The UNIFOR Seeding Communities Training Hall

 ...is focused on teaching business and social enterprise insights in the areas of leadership, employee engagement, and customer service

While providing interactive discussions with business and community leaders and immersion in our hands-on living laboratory. Course participants explore how business community engagement insights and time-tested methodologies are operationalized. 

As a result, they can begin to adapt and apply the insights within their own industry as community centric solutions.

The UNIFOR Seeding Communities Training Hall works in conjunction with the KKETS training programs for Discovery House.

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